[efcb-section-heading text=”Spring OnlineTestConf 2018″ title_icon=”users” subtitle=”Bringing the Testing World Closer. VIRTUALLY ” text_font_color=” ” id=”ui-id-2-153224408102788″][/efcb-section-heading][efcb-section-fullspeakers hero_title=”” title_icon=” ” hero_subtitle=”” hero_background_image=” ” hero_background_color=” ” background_color=” ” header_title_font_color=” ” header_subtitle_font_color=” ” speaker_title_font_color=” ” speaker_subtitle_font_color=” ” speaker_icons_font_color=” ” id=”ui-id-5-1532244175975188″ entities=”3354,3256,2268,3264,2218,122,106,3376,3286,2272,131,3379″][/efcb-section-fullspeakers][efcb-section-columns-2 background_color=” ” text_font_color=” ” id=”ui-id-8-1532244866080106″][content1]
DAY 1: June 19TH, 2018
16:00-16:15 (CET) / 10:00-10:15 (Eastern US)
16:15-17:00 (CET) / 10:15-11:00 (Eastern US)
If Universities won’t help us, how do we #MakeATester?
17:15-18:00 (CET) / 11:15-12:00 (Eastern US)
SESSION 1: Laura Oniga
Biases in Testing
18:15-19:00 (CET) / 12:15-13:00 (Eastern US)
SESSION 2: Eran Kinsbruner
Tips and tricks to approach reactive/progressive app testing projects
19:15-20:00 (CET) / 13:15-14:00 (Eastern US)
SESSION 3: Gerie Owen
Continuous Testing: Maximising Velocity, Quality, and Customer Happiness
20:15-21:00 (CET) / 14:15-15:00 (Eastern US)
Testing your Metal, Drawing Parallels between Testing and Heavy Music
DAY 2: June 20TH, 2018
16:00-16:15 (CET) / 10:00-10:15 (Eastern US)
16:15-17:00 (CET) / 10:15-11:00 (Eastern US)
OPENING KEYNOTE: Rob Lambert & Joel Montvelisky
How to get chosen to speak at a testing conference
17:15-18:00 (CET) / 11:15-12:00 (Eastern US)
SESSION 1: Dwayne Green
Deliberate Practice in Testing
18:15-19:00 (CET) / 12:15-13:00 (Eastern US)
SESSION 2: Rosemary Butt
Are you a QA Pioneer or Settler?
19:15-20:00 (CET) / 13:15-14:00 (Eastern US)
SESSION 3: Lightning Talks
20:15-21:00 (CET) / 14:15-15:00 (Eastern US)
CLOSING KEYNOTE: 2018 State of Testing Report: Review Panel
With: Joel Montvelisky, Alan Page, Brent Jensen and Lalit Bhamare
[/content2][/efcb-section-columns-2][efcb-section-strapline text=”Sponsors” text_font_color=” ” id=”ui-id-8-15322467659818″][/efcb-section-strapline][efcb-section-fullsponsors title=” ” tier_class=”sponsors__item_gold” background_color=” ” tier_font_color=” ” tier_line_color=” ” id=”ui-id-5-153224597060365″ entities=”87,3235,97″][/efcb-section-fullsponsors][efcb-section-fullsponsors title=” ” tier_class=”sponsors__item_silver” background_color=” ” tier_font_color=” ” tier_line_color=” ” id=”ui-id-8-1532246050010145″ entities=”95,92,2916″][/efcb-section-fullsponsors][efcb-section-fullsponsors title=” ” tier_class=”sponsors__item_bronze” background_color=” ” tier_font_color=” ” tier_line_color=” ” id=”ui-id-11-153224609328812″ entities=”2855,3331,3349,3369″][/efcb-section-fullsponsors]