[efcb-section-schedule title=”2020 Spring OnlineTestConf Program” title_icon=”calendar” subtitle=” Times presented are in local timezones – Day 1 US (EDT) Timezone/ Day 2 EU (CEST) Timezone/ Day 3 APAC (AEST) Timezone. ” button_text=”Join Now” background_color=” ” title_font_color=” ” subtitle_font_color=” ” day_bar_font_color=” ” day_bar_background_color=” ” session_title_font_color=” ” session_text_font_color=” ” session_time_font_color=” ” session_location_font_color=” ” speaker_name_font_color=” ” session_button_font_color=” ” session_button_background_color=” ” session_speaker_name_color=” ” id=”ui-id-5-148412815137882″][/efcb-section-schedule][efcb-section-strapline text=”All sessions will be recorded and shared with registered participants” text_font_color=” ” id=”ui-id-6-152654119754890″][/efcb-section-strapline][efcb-section-html line_spacing=” ” text_font_color=” ” id=”ui-id-8-149561655907653″][content]
Throughout the conference, we will have Slack channels so you can comment and engage LIVE in each session, and a #General channel where you can engage with the rest of the participants!
[/content][/efcb-section-html][efcb-section-social title=”Stay in touch” subtitle=” Did you remember to follow @OnlineTestConf for conference updates?” title_font_color=” ” subtitle_font_color=” ” background_color=” ” icon_text_color=” ” icon_font_size=” ” title_font_size=” ” subtitle_font_size=” ” margin_top=” ” margin_bottom=” ” entities=”ef_twitter,ef_email” id=”ui-id-4-14844845484075″][/efcb-section-social]